HK Zamani



Adornment ❘ Artifact, a group exhibit curated by Dr. jill moniz, The Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA

Selected Solo Exhibitions


Erasure Paintings & Sculptures, PRJCTLA, Los Angeles, CA

Protagonists & Erasures Redux, California State University Art Gallery, Stanislaus, CA


HK Zamani: A 20-year Survey, Museum of Art and History, curated by Andi Campognone, Lancaster, CA

Protagonists & Erasures, PRJCTLA, Los Angeles, CA


Inadvertent Protagonists, 515 Gallery, Los Angeles, CA


Past, Present, Future, LBCC Art Gallery, Long Beach, CA


No Abode, MiM Gallery, Los Angeles, CA

Around Black, Warschaw Gallery, San Pedro, CA


Remembering and Forgetting, CB1 Gallery, Los Angeles, CA

Eros/Thanatos, DELETE, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Performing, Groundspace, Los Angeles, CA


In-between Air, Land and Sea, CB1 Gallery, Los Angeles, CA


Shelter from the Storm, SolwayJones, Los Angeles, CA


House of Veneer, PØST, Los Angeles, CA


Star Spangled Banner, Flood Gallery, Asheville, NC


The Ride, Linc, San Francisco, CA


Edifice/Oedipus, London Street Projects, Los Angeles, CA

Fabric & Armature Paintings, MillerDurazo, Los Angeles, CA


New Work, Linc, San Francisco, CA

L.A. Art Court, Pierogi 2000, Brooklyn, NY


Red, Patricia Sweetow Gallery, San Francisco, CA


Stretch, Miller Fine Art, Los Angeles, CA

DNA Windows, DNA Gallery, Provincetown, MA


Dot to Dot, Room, Catalog, New York, NY

More Dots, Gallery LASCA, Los Angeles, CA


Pierce College, Catalog, Woodland Hills, CA


Food House, Santa Monica, CA


Burning for the Living, Mendenhall Gallery, Whittier College, Whittier, CA


New Works, Carl Bornstein Gallery, Santa Monica, CA

Selected Performances


Edifice/Oedipus III Re-performed, Museum of Art and History, Lancaster, CA

Protagonists & Erasures, a collaboration with Emma Jürgensen, PRJCTLA, Los Angeles, CA

Inadvertent Protagonists Reveal, a part of “Urban Paradise,” curated by David Eddington, Shatto Gallery, Los Angeles, CA


Harmony and Dissonance, curated by Samuel White for ICALA 1717, Bendix Building, Los Angeles, CA

Performing with Ghosts, curated by Deborah Oliver as part of "Irrational Exhibits 11," Bendix Building, Los Angeles, CA>


Scheherazade I (re-performed), curated by Deborah Oliver as part of "Irrational Exhibits 10," Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions, CA


Invisible in Visible, Groundspace,(collaboration with Tomas Ruller), performances with simulcast, LA/Czech Republic


InCommunication, PØST,(collaboration with Tomas Ruller), performances with simulcast, LA/Czech Republic


The Meridian, as a part of exhibition "Psychic Outlaws," curated by John Souza & Annie Buckley, Luckman Arts Center, Los Angeles, CA


Independence in Dependence, PØST, (collaboration with Tomas Ruller), performances with simulcast, LA/Czech Republic

Fashion of the Veil, Irrational exhibit 7, Track 16, Santa Monica, CA


Open Situation, Prague Quadrennial, Wenseslas Square, Prague, The Czech Republic

Open Situation, Performance Art Center, Lublin, Poland

Scheherazade I and II, BWA Gallery, Bidgoszcz, Poland


Southern Veil, Flood Gallery, Asheville, NC

1972, (collaboration with Amitis Motevalli), a part of "Irational Exhibits," Track 16, Santa Monica, CA


Edifice/Oedipus IV, Kampa Museum, Prague, Czech Republic

Certain Traces (collaboration with Tomas Ruller), Karlin Space, Prague, Czech Republic

White on White, Even, Guggenheim Gallery, Chapman University, Orange, CA

White on White, Even, Track 16, Santa Monica, CA

Face to Face (collaboration with Tomas Ruller), Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery, Barnsdall Park, Los Angles, CA


White on White, Even, Ise Cultural Foundation, New York, NY

Impasse/In the Veil III, Riva Gallery, New York, NY

Edifice/Oedipus III, Art Omi, Ghent, NY

Edifice/Oedipus, London Street Projects, Los Angeles, CA


Impasse/In the Veil, Armory Center for the Arts, Pasadena, CA

Impasse/In the Veil, Art Frankfurt, Germany


In the Blue, a part of Sig-Alert, curated by John Spiak, Arizona State University Art Museum, Online Catalog, Tempe, Arizona


Dotman, Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten, Graz, Austria

Two Possible Positions, W139, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


The Climb, Municipal Art Gallery, Video, Barnsdall Park, Hollywood, CA


Standing II, TRI Gallery, Hollywood, CA


East/West, Gong, (collaboration with Tomas Ruller) Prague, The Czech Republic


Bed of Nails, Santa Fe Art Colony, Los Angeles, CA


Lawrence Knack #7, The Only Open Sometimes Art Gallery, Manhattan Bch., CA

Selected Group Exhibitions


Adornment❘Artifact, a group exhibit curated by Dr. jill moniz, The Getty Museum, Los Angeles, CA


Funhouse: A Celebration of Los Angeles Painting, curated by Rory Devine, rdfa, Los Angeles, CA

LA Painting (Ebner, Lee, Zamani), curated by Salomon Huerta, ArtBug Gallery, Los Angeles, CA

Found/Made, curated by Jody Zellen, Beyond Baroque (Online), Los Angeles, CA


Spring Mix, Gallery 515, Los Angeles, CA

Enter Viewing Room, curated by Lauren Fejarang, Super Dutchess Gallery, New York, NY


Made in California, curated by Wayne Shimabukuro, Robert and Frances Fullerton Museum, CSUSB, CA

10th Year Anniversary Exhibit, TSA Philadelphia, PA

Berlin-LA Connect, Lage Egal, Berlin, Germany


Pairings, curated by Carl Berg, DENK, Los Angeles, CA

Like Ghosts, New Works by Rema Ghuloum and HK Zamani, JAUS, Los Angeles, CA

CO/LAB III, Collaboration with Lage Egal, Torrance Art Museum, Torrance, CA


Come In, A+D Museum, curated by Daneille Rago, Los Angeles, CA


Gesture, Arena 1 Gallery, curated by Carl Berg, Santa Monica, CA


Pierogi XX, Pierogi, curated by Joe Amrhein, Brooklyn, NY


Paradox Maintenance Technicians, curated by Max Presneill, Torrance Art Museum, CA


Psychic Outlaws, Luckman Art Center, curated by Annie Buckley and John Souza, Los Angeles, CA

Difference & Repetition, (two-person show), CB1 Gallery, Los Angeles, CA

Faculty Exhibit, Long Beach City College, Long Beach, CA


Water, Silpakorn University Art Center, Bangkok, Thailand

On the Shoulder of Davids, curated by Ichiro Irie, Jaus Gallery, Los Angeles, CA

Inadvertent Rapture, curated by Michael Shaw, Flexco, Los Angeles, CA


A Certain Slant of Light, curated by Meridith McNeal, Rush Philanthropic Arts Foundation, NY, NY


Materialwise (Revisited), domestic setting, curated by Carl Berg, Venice, CA


COLA Exhibit, Municipal Gallery at Barnsdall Park, Los Angeles, CA

Coverage, curated by Shane Bradford, M+R space to fill, London, England

Dialog Prague/LA, curated by Barbara Benish, Los Angeles, CA and Prague, Czech Republic

Irrational Exhibits, Track 16 Gallery, curated by Lida Abdul & Deborah Oliver, Santa Monica, CA

Minimal Form, Galerie Dionisi, curated by Danica Derpic, Los Angeles, CA

Purple Haze, Square Blue Gallery, curated by Margaret Sherwood, Santa Ana, CA

Faculty Exhibit, American Intercontinental University, Los Angeles, CA

Poetics of Proximatey, curated by L. Abdul & G. Cagin, Guggenheim Gallery, Chapman University, Orange, CA

Continental Divide, curated by Mark Zimmermann, Planet Tyland, Brooklyn, NY

Lotusland, curated by Nancy Gregory, Connecticut College, New London CT


Specificity, curated by Odili Donald Odita, Riva Gallery, New York, NY

In the Gloaming, curated by Koan Jeff Baysa, Art Omi, Ghent, NY

-[Not (Painting)]:extending the field, curated by Koan Jeff Baysa, Ise Foundation, NY, NY

Gridlock, curated by Kristina Newhouse, West L.A. College Art Gallery, CA

Sequel, curated by William Radawec, domestic setting, Los Angeles, CA


Painting's Edge, Idyllwild Art Foundation, CA

California Dreamin', Davis-Keil Gallery, Naples, Florida

Transit: survival skills, Park Paradise Complex, Scottsdale, Arizona


Big Plastic, curated by Jay Belloli, Armory Center for the Arts, Pasadena, CA.

Ocular Spectrum, curated by Carl Berg, Raid Projects, Los Angeles, CA


08-30-00, Gallery 138, curated by Bill Radawec, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio

Murals, curated by Carl Berg, Irvine Fine Arts Center, Irvine, CA


Sig-Alert, Arizona State University Art Gallery, Online Catalog, Tempe, Arizona

Ulema, Galerie Hohenthal und Bergen, Berlin, Germany

Venus, ARC, Vienna, Austria


Painting Language, L.A. Louver Gallery, Venice, CA

Other Related Areas, University Gallery UCI, Irvine, CA


New Acquisitions, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Los Angeles, CA

118 W / 24 N, Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten, Graz, Austria

CA90001-185, W139, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Investigations, The Municipal Art Gallery, Catalog, Los Angeles, CA

Pyuntack City Museum, Catalog, Pyuntack City, Kyungki-do,Seoul, Korea


Summer Show, Room, New York, NY

Bumpy, curated by Habib Kheradyar, POST, Los Angeles, CA


House of Styles, curated by Rory Devine, TRI Gallery, Hollywood, CA

Current Abstraction, curated by Noel Corten, The Municipal Art Gallery, Catalog, Los Angeles, CA


Soft Surfaces, TransAmerica Building, San Francisco, CA


Emigrant Abstraction, Butler Art Gallery (Municipal Museum), Kilkenny, Ireland


World News, Beyond Baroque, Venice, CA


New Edge, Karl Bornstein Gallery, Santa Monica, CA


Dialogue: Prague/Los Angeles, Gallery Mladych, and Lidovy Dum, Prague, Czech Republic


VEX, Lindhurst Gallery, USC, Los Angeles, CA


Salon des Independents, Richard/Bennett Gallery, Los Angeles, CA

Selected Reviews, Conversations and Essays

King Cap, Max, "HK Zamani at PRJCTLA" Artillery magazine, September 2021

Dr. moniz, jill, "In Conversation with HK Zamani," Catalogue, August 2020

Pazdarka, Tom, "In Dialogue with HK Zamani,"" LUM Art Zine, winter 2020

Heitzman, Lorraine, "Like Ghosts, Rema Ghuloum & HK Zamani," Art & Cake Magazine, March, 2018

Brewer, Gary, “Studio Visit with HK Zamani," Art and Cake Magazine, August 24, 2017

Sweeny, Erin, “Devine Wind: HK Zamani & Reinvention of PØST,” Art21 Magazine, Oct/Nov 2016

Buckley, Annie, "POSTscript: End of an Era for A Downtown Space," KCET.ORG Artbound, July 8, 2015

Michno, Christopher, "Remembering & Forgetting," Art LTD, Nov. 2013

McArthur, Meher, “Defying Definition: Art of HK Zamani,” KCET Artbound, March 6, 2013

Shaw, Michael, "HK Zamani at CB1 Gallery," Visual Art Source, July 2011

Frank, Peter, "Haiku Review: HK Zamani," The Huffington Post, June 24, 2011

Pagel, David, "HK Zamani: In Between Air Land and Sea at CB1 Gallery," LA Times, June 3, 2011

Abraham, Megan, "HK Zamani: In Between Air Land and Sea," Whitehot Magazine, June 2011

West, Andrew J., “Crossing Borders with Creativity,” Bangkok Post, March 2009

Nys Dambrot, Shana, “Shelter from the Storm,” Flavorpill, June, 2008

Segal, Lewis, “As if the living move among the dead,” LA Times, October 8, 2005, E6

Geer, Suvan, “C.O.L.A. Exhibit,” Artweek, June, 2004, pg 20

Myers, Holly, “COLA Exhibit,” LA Times, May 31, 2004

Goldman, Edward, “COLA Exhibit,” Art Talk-KCRW, May 11, 2004

Zimmermann, Mark, “-[not (painting)]," artUS, Inaugural Issue, Fall 2003

Schwarzman, Carol, “Specificity,” Artpapers, September-October, 2003

Church, Amanda, “Specificity,” Flash Art, No. 228, summer issue, 2003

McGovern, Thomas, “Habib Kheradyar at MillerDurazo,” Artweek, April 2003

Newhouse, Kristina, “domestic setting,” Artnet Magazine, April, 2003

Frank, Peter, "Art Picks of the Week," L.A. Weekly, February, 2003

Zimmerer, Kathy, “Habib Kheradyar at MillerDurazo,” Artscene, February, 2003

Knight, Christorpher, "Big Plastic," Los Angeles Times, Friday, November 30, 2001

Berk, Amy, “Habib Kheradyar at Linc,” Artweek, January 2001, vol. 32, issue 1, pp.16-17

Schmerler, Sara, “Habib Kheradyar at Pierogi 2000,” Art in America, December 2000, p.117

Roche, Harry, “Habib Kheradyar,” S.F. Weekly, November 2000

Baker, Kenneth, “Kheradyar’s Objectivity,” San Francisco Chronicle, October 28, 2000, D1-2

Weitzel, Antje, "Ulema: Karamustafa, Kheradyar, Neshat," Zing Magazine 12, 2000

Laster, Paul, "Brooklyn Spice:...Kheradyar's LA Artcourt," Artnet Magazine, August, 31, 2000

Pagel, David, "Abstract View," Los Angeles Times, August 29, 1998, F 26

Curtis, Kathy, "Habib Kheradyar and...," LA Times, October 12, 1998

Ianacconne, Carmine. "Habib Kheradyar," Art/Text, November-January 1997-98, pp 76-81

Kandel, Susan, "Kheradyar Reshapes" Los Angeles Times, April 18, 1997, F21

Wilson, William, "Investigations," Los Angels Times, June 4, 1996, F4

Kandel, Susan, "Connected" Los Angeles Times, May 3, 1996, F21

Greene, David, "Painting the Town," L.A. Reader, September 29, 1995, p 14

Kugelman, Kerry, "Bumpy," Art issues., November/December 1995

Kandel, Susan, "Bumps and More Bumps," Los Angeles Times, October 6, 1995, F24

Zimmerer, Kathy, "West Coast Abstraction," Artweek, September 1996, pp 14-15

Holleran, Scott, "L.A. Festval Exhibit," Glendale News-Press, Living Section, August 1993

Kapitanoff, Nancy, "A Show for Eye and Soul," LA Times, August 13, 1993, p 8

Butler, Brian, "The Acceptance of History; Building of Hope," Visions, Summer '93, pp 26-27

Scarborough, James, "L.A. Prophet and Loss," Art Press International, October 1993, p E11

Frank, Peter, "Art Picks of the Week," L.A. Weekly, June 22, 1990, p 116

Levin, Kim, "Blank Czech," The Village Voice, September 19, 1989, pp 92-3

Butler, Brian, Kheradyar's art embodies Persian and American, Collage, 1988

Kehoe, John, "Moving Pictures: Performance Art," Southbay Magazine, September 1981, pp 84-85

Selected Collections

AD & A Museum, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA

Bank of America, San Francisco, CA

Berkeley Art museum, University of California, Berkeley

Ernst and Young, Los Angeles, CA

Hewlett-Pacard Company, Mexico City, Mexico

LA County Museum of Art, Permanent Collection, Los Angeles, CA

Professional Activities


Founder/Director, PØST, Los Angeles, CA


Gallery Director and Adjunct Faculty, Long Beach City College, Long Beach, CA


Visiting Faculty, “Senior Studio,” University of California, Los Angeles, CA


Adjunct Faculty, California State University, Long Beach, CA


Adjunct Faculty, American Intercontinental University, Los Angeles, CA


Visiting Faculty, “Graduate Seminar,” University of California, Santa Barbara, CA


Adjunct Faculty, Woodbury University, Burbank, CA


Director/Curator, Cerritos College Fine Arts Gallery, Norwalk, CA


Co-Curator, California State University at Dominguez Hills, Carson, CA


Adjunct Faculty, California State University, Dominguez Hills, Carson, CA


Director/Curator, Claremont Graduate University Art Gallery, Claremont, CA

Selected Honors and Awards


Long Beach City College Foundation Grant, CA


California Foundation Grant, Los Angeles, CA


COLA Getty Trust Grant, City of Los Angeles, CA


Alumni Hall of Fame Founding Member, Claremont Graduate University, CA


Certificate of Honor for Contributing to the Arts, Woodbury University, Burbank, CA


Certificate of Honor for Contributing to the Arts &Humanities, CSUDH, Carson, CA


California Graduate Fellowship

Lectures and Panels


Visiting Artist, Pasadena City College, Pasadena, CA


Visiting Artist, Otis College of Art and Design, Los Angeles, CA


Visiting Artist, California State University, Santa Barbara, CA

Visiting Artist, Santa Barbara Community College, Santa Barbara, CA


Visiting Artist, California State University, Santa Barbara, CA


Juror, California Community Foundation Grant, Los Angeles, CA

Juror, Cal State University, “Bachelor of Arts Exhibit,” San Bernardino, CA

Professor for a day, California State University, Dominguez Hills, CA


Visiting Artist, Tyler School of Art, Philadelphia, PA


Noel Fellowship Juror, Milwaukee, WI


Visiting Artist, San Francisco Art Institute, CA


Visiting Artist, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, WI

Visiting Artist, University of Madison, WI

Visiting Artist, Painting's Edge: Advanced Painting Workshop, Idyllwild Art Foundation, CA

Visiting Artist, Cal Poly, San Lois Obispo, CA

Visiting Artist, Cal State University, Long Beach, CA


Sculpture International, Panel Discussion organized by Kay Whitney, Houston, Texas

Visiting Artist, Claremont University, Claremont, CA

Visiting Artist, Brad Spense’ Art Seminar, Santa Ana College, Santa Ana, CA

Visiting Artist, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA


Visiting Artist, California State University, Santa Barbara, CA


CAA, Panel Discussion on Installation Art organized by Kim Yasuda, Los Angeles, CA

New media, Panel Discussion, Design Week, Pacific Design Center, Los Angeles, CA


Visiting Artist, Art Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Visiting Artist, Art Center, Pasadena, CA


Visiting Artist, El Camino College, Torrance, CA



MFA in Painting, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA.


BA in Studio Arts, California State University, Dominguez Hills, Carson, CA


AA in Fine Arts, El Camino College, Torrance, CA


Miguel Rosario


Kyungmi Shin