Recognizing that the Covid pandemic has changed the nature of our engagement with community, we have exchanged our local art workshops and called on our network of artists to help us bring artwork into our neighborhood and theirs as gifts to support creative life and the greater good.


Our programming is designed around the strength in diversity. Our goal is to excite and encourage participants to think boldly to assert their visual voices into dialogues that will help sustain the spaces where these ideas are investigated and made manifest. 

We work with artists including Kori Newkirk to activate neighborhoods to build visual literacy. We have a structured yet flexible approach to engage these sites, to support visual language and focus momentum toward freedom, equity and justice.


Much of our programming comes from our collective decades of work in the arts and education. We contribute this intellectual property to our communities, who we believe act as multipliers for a shared vision of a stronger, more connected and more art-centered world.

Miguel Rosario’s Trump Card tree at Transformative Arts